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A Quick Guide to Children's Separation Anxiety

child crying on dad's shoulder

Ever noticed those teary-eyed goodbyes from your little one? Well, that's separation anxiety, a completely normal part of a child's growth journey. And here's the thing – it's not a symbol that you're doing anything wrong. It's a clear sign of a strong bond between you and your child, a bond that's incredibly important for their overall development.


In parenting, addressing separation anxiety holds significant importance. It extends beyond mere tears; It's an opportunity to strengthen trust and enhance emotional connections that mean the world to your child. So, as we explore separation anxiety we'll look into what usually causes it, learn ways to handle it, and figure out how to deal with it to prevent issues in the future.

Understanding Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is deeply rooted in a child's need for connection. This emotional bond serves as a foundation where children experience love, flexibility, and a sense of safety. Essentially, a child's brain thrives on this connection, accelerating the pace of learning.


While we all want to provide our kids with a constant dose of love and connection, it's not always possible. Sometimes, simple things like answering a phone call or doing household chores can disrupt this sense of connectedness we share with our little ones.


Moreover, larger separations, such as leaving for work or dropping a child off at daycare, unearth a backlog of stored feelings and past hurts, leading to tears and tantrums. The challenge here lies in managing these overwhelming emotions, especially when time is of the essence. Therefore, understanding this dynamic is crucial for parents navigating separation anxiety with their children.

How to Support Your Child Emotionally Through Separation Anxiety

When your child feels upset during separation, it's super important to help them right away. Here's what you can do to comfort them emotionally in those tough moments:

1. Preparation for Departure

Start by informing your child about your imminent departure, creating an understanding of the upcoming separation. Share the news calmly and reassuringly, acknowledging their feelings with phrases like "I am going to have to go." Be attentive to their non-verbal cues, such as reaching out or expressing distress, and respond with comforting actions, like holding them close.

2. Unrushed Goodbyes

Emphasize the importance of unrushed departures, allowing time for the expression of feelings. Practice "Staylistening" – providing a supportive environment for your child's emotions to be heard and acknowledged. Encourage open communication, maintain eye contact, and express warmth during the farewell.

3. Transition to Caregiver

Gradually transition your child to the caregiver or another trusted person, ensuring a gentle handover. Stay physically close, maintaining a connection by holding their hand and offering verbal reassurance. Continue listening and validating their emotions as they adjust to the change.


Picture this:


As you get ready to leave for work, your little one, sensing your departure, rushes to you with arms outstretched, a tiny face filled with concern. You scoop them up gently, saying in a soft, reassuring tone, "Hey there, sweetheart. I see you're going to miss me. It's okay. I'll be back soon. How about we give each other a big hug before I go?" Feeling the warmth of your embrace, they start to settle, finding comfort in your presence. You add, "I know saying goodbye is tough, but we'll have so many more hellos. See you in a bit, my love."


This simple exchange helps create a secure space for their emotions to unfold and eases the moment of separation.

Proactive Measures to Make Future Goodbyes Easier

Looking ahead, there are things you can do to make separations easier for your child. Here's how you can be ready for the future and help prevent challenges:

1. Regular Special Time

Plan regular one-on-one ‘Special Time’ with your child before significant separations, fostering a stronger emotional connection. Allocate extra time at the end of Special Time to address any emerging feelings, creating a safe space for expression.


Now, to understand how you can make good use of ‘Special time’ in helping your child in times of separation, let's consider this example:


As bedtime approached, little Jamie snuggled under the cozy blanket, wide-eyed and a bit restless. Sensing his unease, Mommy noticed the need for a heart-to-heart conversation.


Mommy: (with a warm smile) "Hey, Jamie, guess what? Tomorrow is going to be so much fun because you'll be going to preschool! But you know what would make it even more exciting?"


Jamie: (looking curious) "What, Mommy?"


Mommy: "Special Time! How about we have our special playtime tomorrow morning before you go to preschool? You get to choose whatever game or activity you want, and we'll play it together."


Jamie's eyes lit up at the thought of this special playtime.


Jamie: (grinning) "Really, Mommy? Can we play with my favorite toys?"


Mommy: "Absolutely! It's your time, Jamie. We can play with your favorite toys, and you can show me all the cool things you love. And guess what? It's our secret plan to make tomorrow extra awesome!"


The anticipation of this special playtime filled Jamie with excitement and comfort, creating a positive outlook for the upcoming day at preschool.

Girl smiling

2. Communication with Caregivers

Communicate with caregivers or teachers about your separation plan, emphasizing the importance of emotional support. Share insights into your child's emotional well-being and the significance of taking time during departures.

3. Open Discussion with the Child

Initiate open conversations with your child about upcoming separations, allowing them to express their emotions. Be attentive to any tears or concerns, offering comfort and reassurance that you will return. Resist the urge to sneak out, reinforcing trust in your relationship with your child.

4. Personal Support for Parents

Acknowledge that separation can be emotionally challenging for parents. Seek support from a Listening Partner or a trusted friend to share fears, concerns, and feelings of sadness. You can have a good cry too, as separation hits harder for both parents and the child. Additionally, shedding tears is a way to relieve emotional tension for both parents and children.


As a parent, you know saying goodbye is never easy, but with proper planning, you can make it smoother for your child. Your guidance helps them cope and grow, even when you're not always there, allowing them to navigate life with ease, confidence, and a love for learning.

Professional Support: Knowing When to Seek Professional Help

Do you ever wonder when you should ask for extra help with your child's separation anxiety?


While it's a common part of a child's development, there are instances when seeking professional support becomes crucial. If your child's anxiety persists or significantly interferes with their daily activities, it might be time to consult a pediatrician or a child psychologist. Look for signs like persistent nightmares, refusal to attend school, or extreme physical symptoms.


Understanding when to consult a pediatrician or child psychologist ensures the best support for your child's well-being. For instance, if your preschooler consistently struggles when you leave, a professional can provide valuable insights and advice.

Wrapping Up: Cherishing Goodbyes

Now that you've learned about handling separation anxiety in parenting, think of it as another adventure in raising your child. We explored signs and ways to make farewells smoother. So, when those tearful goodbyes come, practice patience. Each goodbye is an opportunity to deepen the bond you share with your child. Take a moment, stand by them, and witness the growth, both theirs and yours. Patience during goodbyes is like adding a sprinkle of love, making those moments even more special.


Parenting Theraphy

I heart u parent coaching gives you the tools to truly connect with your child, alleviate pain points, and empower you as a parent–all while getting support from someone who has been where you are. From 1:1 consulting to group and DIY courses, there are options for you to build trust and closeness with your family again.


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